
Vital Steps To Take When Repairing A Foundation Morganville, NJ

Vital Steps To Take When Repairing A Foundation Morganville, NJ

The foundation of your house carries the entire weight of the building. Therefore, it is natural for you to be worried if you find any type of crack in the foundation. The good news is that many types of cracks do not signal structural damage to the foundation. However, you should be concerned if you see horizontal cracks or diagonal and vertical cracks that keep expanding by the day.

The best way to address any type of crack in the foundation is to investigate its cause and to repair it as soon as you can. Here are some key tips for repairing cracked foundations.

  1. Repairing Hairline Cracks

You don’t need to be so worried about small hairline cracks in the foundation since these cracks often indicate the normal settling of the foundation. Hairline cracks also occur as a result of the expansion and shrinking of the foundation as it cures. These cracks often don’t indicate that there is structural damage to the foundation, but you still need to repair them so that they do not expand over time.

A technician can easily repair hairline cracks in your foundation using grout and an appropriate cement or by applying a suitable masonry paint.

foundation crack morganville nj select basement 1 Vital Steps To Take When Repairing A Foundation Morganville, NJ

  1. Repairing Cracks Between 3 mm and 6 mm

Cracks that fall in the range of 1/8 to ¼ inch (3 mm to 6 mm) often occur due to foundation settling or shrinking of the concrete just a few months after construction. While these cracks may also not pause a structural problem, it is a good idea to seal them in order stop further expansion and prevent seepage of water and moisture through them.

You should let a technician who is experienced in repairing cracked foundations examine the cracks in order to determine the best way to repair them. 1/8 to ¼ inch cracks typically need to be repaired by applying crack repair materials such as epoxy.

  1. Horizontal Cracks or Large Vertical and Diagonal Cracks

Horizontal cracks in your foundation may indicate serious structural problems such as foundation wall bowing or severe foundation shifting. Large vertical and diagonal cracks can also cause sections of the walls to collapse.

foundation crack morganville nj select basement 2 scaled Vital Steps To Take When Repairing A Foundation Morganville, NJHorizontal cracks and large vertical and diagonal cracks need to be repaired as quickly as possible by a professional contractor. Since the repair work may involve straightening of walls or joining disconnected sections of walls, the contractor will use a strong bonding material such as carbon fiber when repairing cracked foundations.

Contact the professionals at Select Basement Waterproofing – 732-360-5052

Foundation Wall Cracks | Hunterdon County, NJ | Select Basement Waterproofing

Putting Off the Repair of Foundation Repair Could Be Costing You Money Hunterdon County, NJ

Putting Off the Repair of Foundation Repair Could Be Costing You Money Hunterdon County, NJ

Are you a fan of surprises? If you’re like most people, you probably don’t like surprises that could cost you a lot of money. In fact, if you’re a homeowner, you probably hate any surprises to do with your home’s foundation.

Unfortunately, unexpected events do happen. While it may be tempting to ignore them, it is important that you deal with them when you come across them. One such thing is the appearance of foundation wall cracks.

%name Putting Off the Repair of Foundation Repair Could Be Costing You Money Hunterdon County, NJ

Many homeowners try to ignore foundation wall cracks for as long as they can. For many, their primary motivation is to save money. However, ignoring those cracks in your foundation is only causing you to spend more. Here’s how those foundation cracks are costing you money.

  1. They’re causing structural damage in other parts of the home

Foundation cracks are often a sign of weakness in the foundation or increased pressure against the foundation wall. This in turn can result in damage in other parts of the home. You may notice cracks in walls in the upper levels of your home, bulking floors, cracks in the floor and other damage. If you continue to ignore the cracks in your foundation, you will continue spending money on repairs in your home.

  1. They can cause water damage

Cracks in the foundation can be the channel through which water from the soil surrounding the foundation finds its way into your home. This can result in flooding of your basement. It can also result in other moisture-related problems such as rotting wood or a mold and mildew infestation.

Mold remediation would be required to restore the health of your home. You would also need to spend money on the replacement of wooden parts of your home structure that show signs of rot.

cracks Putting Off the Repair of Foundation Repair Could Be Costing You Money Hunterdon County, NJ
  1. They can result in plumbing issues

Water pipes that run below the foundation are often vulnerable to breakage. If the foundation is moving as a result of settling or hydrostatic pressure, there’s a good chance that the foundation will put a lot of stress and strain on the water pipes. This can result in breakage of the water pipes.

Even those with above-ground pipes aren’t safe. These pipes often run through walls or beneath the floors in upper levels of the home. They will also be damaged as the foundation shifts.

If you have cracks in your foundation walls, now is a great time to have them repaired.

Contact the Professionals at Select Basement Waterproofing Today! (732) 526-7770

foundation wall cracks

Reasons Why Your Foundation Wall Cracks During Winter

Foundation Wall Cracks

Many people are concerned about their basements when Fall comes around. However, you should just be as concerned about the state of your basement in the winter as you are in the Fall. This is because the freezing temperatures of the winter months can cause a lot of damage to your foundation walls.

Frost Heaving

Science has proven that when water freezes it actually expands. This means the same volume of water will occupy a much larger space when it turns to ice. This characteristic of water is the reason for frost heaving.

Frost heaving occurs when water in the upper levels of the soil freezes. As the water in the top layers freezes, it draws more water. Because water expands when it freezes, the frozen soil will exert more pressure on the foundation walls as it seeks more space to occupy. This results in uneven pressure being exerted on the wall. Foundation wall cracks are therefore likely to form.

In many instances, the pressure against the foundation results in hairline cracks that aren’t readily recognizable in concrete foundations. If you have a block or stone wall, the cracks are likely to occur in the mortar joints.

If you don’t get your foundation some professional attention, the problems are only likely to get worse. Foundation wall cracks are likely to become larger over time. They are also likely to get worse when the cycle repeats itself in the next winter.

How to protect your foundation wall

You can’t prevent the winter from coming in. Neither can you prevent the water in the soil from freezing. The best approach to dealing with this problem is protecting your foundation.

  • Find a reliable contractor to help you determine the root cause of the cracks that you’ve noticed in your foundation wall. The only way to deal with a problem is to deal with the cause of the problem first.
  • Have your contractor install drain tile to guide water away from your foundation. This ensures that water does not collect near your foundation and therefore reduces the pressure against the foundation.
  • Insulate the foundation of your home to prevent heat loss. Insulating reduces the chances of frosting too.
  • Ensure that your landscape slopes away from your foundation. This prevents water from running towards your foundation.

Be sure to talk to a foundation waterproofing expert to ensure that all areas are covered.