Foundation Leak in Edison NJ
Your home’s foundation is the most important part of its structure. Ensuring your foundation is in good condition will ensure that your home offers a safe environment for your family. Repairing a foundation can be quite costly especially if the damage is extensive. It is, therefore important to regularly inspect your foundation for any signs of a foundation leak.
The following are some obvious signs of a foundation leak you ought to look for:
- Musty odor
Is there a musty odor coming from your basement? If so, you may have a foundation leak. A musty odor is indicative of the growth of mold in your basement. Mold can be a problem as its spores can pose health problems to your family.
Mold is not always visible. Mold and mildew tend to grow in dark areas and therefore may grow out of sight. The first sign of their presence is the musty odor. Be sure to investigate for further signs of leaks when you notice a musty smell in your basement.
- Damp floors or walls
Moisture on the walls or floors of your basement is a sure sign that you have a foundation leak. Moisture may not always take the form of a standing pool of water on the floor. It may be water stains on walls or floors, condensation on the basement walls or damp spots on your carpet or flooring material. Be sure to check any plumbing running through the basement for leaks before calling a licensed waterproofing contractor to investigate the problem further.
- Cracks in the floors or walls
By the time cracks in the floors or walls of your foundation become visible; the problem in the structure of your foundation is serious. Cracks in the foundation are obvious signs of a structural issue in your foundation.
Avoid applying band aid solutions to cracks in the foundation such as filling cracks. The problem may run deeper than a superficial crack. It’s best to call in a professional waterproofing contractor to inspect the foundation and provide you with the best possible solutions for foundation leak repair.
Your foundation plays a vital role in your home. Considering this, it is important to be aware of the signs of damage. This will ensure that you get the problem fixed early and avoid it escalating; the more serious the problem, the more complex and expensive the repair.