foundation leak

3 Signs That You Have a Serious Foundation Leak in Edison NJ

Foundation Leak in Edison NJ

Your home’s foundation is the most important part of its structure. Ensuring your foundation is in good condition will ensure that your home offers a safe environment for your family. Repairing a foundation can be quite costly especially if the damage is extensive. It is, therefore important to regularly inspect your foundation for any signs of a foundation leak.

The following are some obvious signs of a foundation leak you ought to look for:

  1. Musty odor

Is there a musty odor coming from your basement? If so, you may have a foundation leak. A musty odor is indicative of the growth of mold in your basement. Mold can be a problem as its spores can pose health problems to your family.

Mold is not always visible. Mold and mildew tend to grow in dark areas and therefore may grow out of sight. The first sign of their presence is the musty odor. Be sure to investigate for further signs of leaks when you notice a musty smell in your basement.

  1. Damp floors or walls

Moisture on the walls or floors of your basement is a sure sign that you have a foundation leak. Moisture may not always take the form of a standing pool of water on the floor. It may be water stains on walls or floors, condensation on the basement walls or damp spots on your carpet or flooring material. Be sure to check any plumbing running through the basement for leaks before calling a licensed waterproofing contractor to investigate the problem further.

  1. Cracks in the floors or walls

By the time cracks in the floors or walls of your foundation become visible; the problem in the structure of your foundation is serious.  Cracks in the foundation are obvious signs of a structural issue in your foundation.

Avoid applying band aid solutions to cracks in the foundation such as filling cracks. The problem may run deeper than a superficial crack. It’s best to call in a professional waterproofing contractor to inspect the foundation and provide you with the best possible solutions for foundation leak repair.

Your foundation plays a vital role in your home. Considering this, it is important to be aware of the signs of damage. This will ensure that you get the problem fixed early and avoid it escalating; the more serious the problem, the more complex and expensive the repair.

sump pump

In Basement Waterproofing, Don’t Forget About the Sump Pump

Don’t Forget About the Sump Pump!

A properly waterproofed basement is going to have a sump basin, where moisture in the basement from sources such as condensation, ground run offs and underground water will be channeled to by the perimeter drains of the waterproofing system.

It will also have a sump pump to pump out the water collected to a proper disposal area. These two components are vital in the prevention of water damage to basements, plus all the related problems of excess moisture around the house.

It is not uncommon for people to forget about their installed sump pump system. When was the last time you had yours cleaned, serviced or even checked? Typical recommendations say that sump equipment need to be maintained at least once a year, and this is only for a typical installation where water damage conditions are minimal. In areas where you have the sump pump running every now and then due to bad weather or a higher water table, the frequency of maintenance should be higher.

Rarely used systems may have some component failures that will go unnoticed up until that time of great need, like say a severe rainstorm or a hurricane. The backup systems for the sump can also fail at their time of need simply because they went unchecked for long periods of time. For the avoidance of dire and potentially damaging basement water situations caused by a failed sump system, always remember to check on it.


When carrying out maintenance of your basement waterproofing system, you should clean the sump basin and pump by removing dirt, sand, gravel and other kinds of debris that might be hampering the efficiency of the system.

Such kind of obstructions can greatly affect the ability of the pump to drain out the sump, leading to overflows. They will also force the pump to overheat as it works harder to overcome the impediments, leading to its shortened life.

If your system has the automatic sump pump that has a float switch, make sure it is also cleared of any obstructions that will jam it, and cause it not to switch the pump on or off when necessary. If you don’t have a float guard installed, you should consider getting one to prevent such situations.

Remember to test your system to make sure the pump is working okay because if it not, you will have to call in a qualified technician.


5 Techniques for Effective Moisture Control in Your Home

Moisture Control

Are you frustrated with dealing with basement and crawl moisture problems? If so, you are not alone. The National Association of Realtors® (NAR) says 87% of homes over 10 years old suffer the same problem. As a homeowner you will concur that nothing is more disgusting than a damp space which always has a musty odor.

Not only does a leaking basement devalue your precious investment but also poses a health risk to your family.  Growth of toxic black mold on the floor and walls will lead to increasing respiratory health issues especially among your children. Moisture also compromises the strength of your foundation walls which again jeopardizes your home.

These are good reasons to learn a few solutions for this vexing moisture control problem. Here are some ideas:

  1. Foundation Walls Repair

Surface water is the main culprit in basement leakage and you should thus have a professional look at your foundation walls. Most likely there are hair cracks that are allowing water to flow in.  Indeed, hydro-static pressure according to the Concrete Foundation Association (CFA) is responsible for over 94% of water-related problems in these spaces.  Sealing these cracks using epoxy or other materials is the first step in remedying the problem.

  1. Foundation Walls Waterproofing

This is the surest way of moisture control in your home.  Not only is it a durable solution but it also adds extra protection to the walls. There are different materials available for external and internal waterproofing. They include polyurethane sheets and waterproof foams sprayed on the outer walls.

  1. Extend the Downspout

Your downspouts could be causing your basement moisture nightmare. If the discharge pipe is not well positioned or if it is short it will drain water right next to the foundation walls.  Water flows using the easiest path and if your walls have cracks you will have a problem on your hands. You should thus get a contractor to clean the downspout and extend the discharge pipe away from the walls.

  1. Improve the Grading

Naturally a house settles within months or a few years and this will create a clay bowl situation. This means the area around the walls will slope inwards and surface water will in turn stand here.  Such standing increases hydro-static pressure on the walls and water eventually seeps through cracks and gaps. A landscaping contractor reworks the grading to let water flow away from the walls.

  1. Sump Pump

This according to the National Foundation Repair Association (NFRA) is the ultimate moisture control solution for your basement. A sump pump pit collects any rising ground water and then the pump directs it out of the room through a discharge pipe. This keeps your basement in pristine condition.

Well, you must leverage professional help if you want to deal with moisture problems permanently. They have the skills and tools to make your basement a pleasant place to visit.


Common Causes for Basement Leaks in Morganville NJ

Basement Leaks in Morganville NJ

Most homeowners are quick to assume that a basement leaks is a result of poor or improper building methods, but that is not always the case. Basement leaks are affected by numerous factors such as rain water management, drainage system, hydrostatic pressure and basement construction framework. Let’s take a look at the most common causes for basement leaks.

Water pressure

The foundation of a home can experience water pressure either laterally due to absorption of excess water by the soil that surrounds it, or from under the surface due to rise in ground water levels leading to floor cracks. Both these situations can cause water to seep through and lead to a basement leaks.

Wall leaks

Your basement walls may lead to leaks due to cracks in the surface that may have developed due to water pressure or deterioration over time. If the basement was built using brick or stone, chances are the mortar that snugly holds each block has allowed water to seep through. In case it uses a concrete construction, it may be caused due to the formation of honeycomb cavities in the wall.

Drainage leaks and clogs

If the sewer pipe suffers a leak, then it naturally affects your basement. Some signs of a drainage leak are stains or  molds on the ceiling, in the vicinity of the problematic sewer pipe in question. Sometimes the sewer line to your home or the local municipal line can get clogged, causing the sewer water to back into the drainage system in your house, and in turn lead to basement moisture and leaks.
A basement waterproofing professional can diagnose the issue that is causing leaks in your basement and help fix it.


Hurricane Season is Not Over: Basement Waterproofing Solutions

Waterproofing Solutions

We all remember hurricane Sandy, and recently had a scare with Joaquin, which thankfully veered off into the ocean before it created too much damage in the Jersey area. Of course, the media had us all hyped up and worried for a good week beforehand, and then it turned out we were spared. Officially, hurricane season runs through November 30th, so there’s still a chance of some storms coming our way. If your basement or crawlspace collects water with a lot of rain, waterproofing solutions can take care of that problem.

We don’t remind you of hurricane season as a scare tactic, but just to let you know there are solutions to your problem. If the news reports of Joaquin made your blood pressure rise because you knew it could cause some damage, then don’t sit idly by waiting for the next hurricane. Some very simple changes could help your home weather these storms with minimal damage.

At Select Basement Waterproofing, we can come look at your situation and determine the best course of action. We won’t try to sell you anything you don’t need, but will just offer our recommendations in a free consultation.

Every home is different, so what works for your neighbor might not work for you. Maybe the slope of your yard is the problem, and a french drain will divert water in a different direction. Sometimes hairline cracks to the foundation allow water to seep in, which can be easily repaired. Other times, a home’s foundation was not correctly waterproofed at the time it was built, and, an application of a waterproofing product or vapor barrier is well worth the investment. Sump pumps and dehumidifiers are also possibilities to help keep your basement dry.

If you’re a homeowner and heavy rain in the forecast concerns you, a simple call can start you on the road to getting the problem solved. We’ve taken care of some pretty serious water problems with fairly simple solutions. For more information, contact us.

waterproofing solutions

Waterproofing Solutions for a Serial DIYer

Waterproofing Solutions

We at Select Basement Waterproofing understand do-it-yourselfers.  You are self-reliant, like to figure out solutions to your own challenges, and have a wide range of skills that can get you through most of the problems homeowners routinely face.  You like to have control over what work you do and how much you do it.  We salute and respect those skills and the do-it-yourself ethic.  After all, this country was primarily founded by DIYers.  However, there comes a time for every (sane) DIYer to call in the experts.  Even George Washington had to hire someone to train the Continental Army.

waterproofing solutions 3 Waterproofing Solutions for a Serial DIYer

Finding yourself ankle-deep in water in your basement is the most tempting time to engage your DIY drive and try to fix the problem yourself.  Don’t do it!  There are a whole range of waterproofing solutions you could, in theory, research on the Internet.  You could then buy all the tools and materials you think you need to plug the leak.  The problem comes when you get halfway through the project and realize there’s more to the leak than just the water trickling in under the carpet.  That’s when the sinking feeling every DIYer dreads kicks in:  you’re in way over your head, and the drywall is beginning to mold and buckle.

Call in a Professional

The time to call in the experts is before you give in to your DIY temptation.  When you contact us, we will send an expert to appraise your individual basement and assess the possible causes of your flooding problem.  We will educate you about your options and help you decide which of our many systems will achieve the best value for your hard-earned dollar, and you retain full control over which system our trained, licensed and bonded expert contractors install.  Best of all, the initial estimate is free of charge and obligation.  Don’t worry, there will still be plenty for you to dig into.  You just won’t have to do it with wet feet.


Make Your Basement More Useful With Basement Waterproofing

Basement Waterproofing

If a basement is comfortable and well ventilated, that is all it needs in order to be used like the other rooms in your house. It doesn’t have to serve as a storage space; it can also be an extra bedroom or a play room. The space in any basement requires more attention and care due to its location. Additional lighting has to be provided too since very little natural lighting gets there.

Homeowners are often faced with problems of wet and flooded basements, especially during the rainy seasons, which is actually the main reason why basements are not utilized for anything other than storage and laundry. Fortunately, there are available solutions to wet basements and it is possible to have a dry and warm basement regardless of the season. All you need to do is carry out basement waterproofing for your basement, and have a well laid out drainage system.

Control measures that a homeowner can take to prevent wetness in a basement:

Uncontrolled water infiltration into a building is a predisposing factor for wet basement problems. What a homeowner needs to do is discourage any chance of water getting to the building by taking the measures below:

Cut off all possible water leak sources

If you can establish where the water in your basement is coming from, then you can be able to cut it off and prevent it from reaching your basement. Check the basement walls, and if you notice any cracks, get them filled immediately and see if there will be any changes.

Wash off that dirt on your gutters

If your gutters and downspouts are dirty and clogged, any water collected on them is likely to get dumped next to the foundation of your building and find its way into your basement.

Direct water in your downspouts away from the foundation of the home

Ensure your downspouts are working to keep water away from your house. If it is directing any water towards the foundation, there is a chance of causing wetness to your basement.

Dealing with a wet basement:

If water gets to your basement anyway, act on it. The longer you wait, the more the dampness will damage your basement and thus limit its use. It is also important to emphasize that a wet basement encourages the growth and multiplication of mold. Molds are known to cause respiratory problems, worsen conditions like asthma and trigger allergic reactions such as nasal congestion and sneezing.

If you want to get that extra living room, office, playroom or even a guest room in your basement, look for basement waterproofing services from professionals who have rendered similar services for many years.

Wet Basement | Union County, NJ | Select Basement Waterproofing

4 Major Causes of a Basement Leak in Woodbridge NJ 07067

Four Major Causes of a Basement Leak and Solutions

The basement is one of the most overlooked spaces in every property. Indeed, the Basement Health Association (BHA) reckons that over 56% of home owners don’t even go down to their basements in over a year and therein lays great danger.

Grave Danger

With gradual neglect, you will soon have to contend with a basement leak. It might not sound like a big deal until you consider that the National Foundation Repairs Association (NRFA) says over 89% of projects done by members relate to wet basements.

The dangers posed by a leaking basement include structural collapse, mold growth leading to health complications among occupants, toxic Radon gas circulation, rodent infestation and high levels of humidity leading to more damage of your property. All these problems lead to loss of value for your home with most agents even avoiding listing it on their websites.

Causes of Wet Basements

To effectively deal with a basement leak and the problems it brings, you have to understand where the problems emanate from. Some of the main causes include:

1. Poor Surface Drainage

Most water problems in the spaces below arise from leaks through foundation walls. Once a house settles, there is a likelihood that surface water will tend to collect next to foundation walls due to the gradient. With ineffective drainage solutions, your walls will bow under the pressure to allow water leaks into the basement. Main drainage problems include poorly laid weeping tiles, gutters and downspouts.

2. Poor Grading

This, according to the Concrete Foundations Association (CFA), is one of the main causes of leaking basements. It accounts for over 45% of problems these contractors encounter. Once construction is done the contractor should rework the grading to ensure water is carried away from the walls.

3. Weak Foundation Walls

This problem arises where the contractor does not wait for concrete to cure before continuing with the rest of the walls. Such structural weakness can lead to devastating effects and this requires external and internal waterproofing. Some of the waterproofing materials used include sodium silicate, polyurethane membranes, among others.
Other repair options for weakened walls include pier supports which help to realign bowing or bulging walls. Carbon fiber strips are also used in such a case to ensure wall gaps don’t allow water to seep in.

4. Ineffective Sump Pump System

A sump pump is the quintessential basement leak solution, but when it is not working optimally, you will encounter myriad problems. There is thus need to ensure a contractor checks whether your sump pump is working efficiently to avoid such leaks

Owning a home is without doubt one of the most significant achievements in life. However, an innocuous looking basement leak can devastate this achievement by affecting the structural strength of your property. With this in mind, isn’t it time to give that basement another look?

Santa Fe dehumidifier

Controlling Moisture With Basement Dehumidifiers in Plainsboro NJ 08536

Basement Dehumidifiers in Plainsboro NJ 08536

Excess moisture in your basement can become a serious problem over time, eventually causing damage to your foundation and possibly affecting your home’s air quality. Fortunately, with basement dehumidifiers in Plainsboro NJ 08536 and other preventative measures, you can control moisture problems in your home’s basement and protect your home.

Use a Basement Dehumidifier

If the humidity levels in your home are high, consider investing in a basement dehumidifier, which is a unit that, while running, can remove excess moisture from the air and prevent condensation, mold, and mildew from forming around your basement walls. A dehumidifier is one of the best options for controlling moisture in any space.

Keep Gutters and Downspouts Clean

Another possible way to control moisture in your basement is to keep your gutters and downspouts clean. Surprising, right? By keeping gutters and downspouts clean, however, you can prevent water overflow from running down into the ground near your home and seeping towards the foundation–especially during rainy times of the year. Furthermore, always make sure that your downspouts are directing water at least several feet away from the foundation of the home.

Be on the Lookout for Plumbing Leaks

Finally, be on the lookout for signs of plumbing leaks that could be sending water into the walls and/or ceiling of your basement. Specifically, look for signs of leaks behind walls and above ceiling drywall by checking for discoloration of the paint. Often times, this is indicative of water damage caused by a burst or leaky pipe.

As you can see, there are a few simple ways to go about keeping your basement’s moisture levels down. For more information on keeping your basement moisture-free, contact us today.


5 Reasons You Need Basement Waterproofing in Edison NJ 08817

Basements are not often thought about until damage has been done to the foundations, or any other major problems have occurred. This means that basement waterproofing in Edison NJ 08817 is not really thought about by every homeowner.

However, it should be considered is you have not already for a number of reasons.

  1. Basement waterproofing in Edison NJ 08817 can help to keep you and your family healthy

Having a damp and musty basement makes it much easier for you and your family to get ill. This is because if there is excess moisture in the basement, it becomes the perfect habitat for mold and mildew. Then, spores from these organisms can be blown into the air and can easily rise into the rest of the home.

  1. Waterproofing can save you money on your utility bills

This is because heating damp air uses a lot more energy than heating dry air. By waterproofing your basement, the heating and cooling systems will not need to wok as hard and will thus save you money.

  1. If you have not waterproofed your basement, you are wasting space

Your basement is the perfect space for storage if it is kept dry and clean, otherwise your treasured items can become dampened and moldy. Basement waterproofing in Edison NJ 08817 means that you can take advantage of an extra room within your home.

  1. Waterproofing will raise the value of your home

If you ever are planning to sell your house in the future, having a waterproofed basement will significantly add value. If it has been waterproofed, it can even be used as a living space if you are not planning to sell.

  1. Peace of mind

The weather is far out of your control, and basement waterproofing in Edison NJ 08817 will ensure your peace of mind in any case of flash flooding or bizarre weather events. Resulting damage from excess moisture in your basement will probably be more expensive to fix than waterproofing would have been in the first place. This being the case, you will not have to worry about damage occurring when these events occur.